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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Tech Mahindra Latest Placement Test Paper ..... Interview question

Here is the Tech Mahindra India placement test held on 18th April at Deen Bandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science and Technology Murthal Haryana.

Total Appeared - 135
Written test cleared by - 68
Technical Cleared by - 37
HR Interview - 32

In the multiple choice Written Exam there will be 5 Sections:

2 sections of verbal and non verbal :
Questions like find the missing term, series completion, some logical reasoning questions

3 sections of English Language Test:
General fill in the blanks like prepositions and verbs
Easy synonyms
Reading comprehension part
Its easy one but requires preparation. The questions are expected one.

There are 75 questions in 5 sections to be done in 60 minutes. So the time is short.
There is no negative marking. And there is sectional cutoff.

Tech Mahindra Technical Interview:

Me: Enter the room and good afternoon sir
Int: Good afternoon have your seat.

Then the questions asked were:
Tell me about yourself your background
Keep moving from one company to another?
About low class 10th and 12th scores.
Why the 1 year gap?
About pointers and link list
Can u print fibbonacci series recursively?
Ok do u want to ask anything?

Then the Tech Mahindra Basic HR Interview:

Have your seat.

Describe Yourself.

What is your biggest achievement till now?

1 year gap?

How will your friends describe you?

Can u relocate?

Are you ready to sign a bond and salary?
Then i was asked to go and when the result was declared, i was selected.

Watch other detailed Tech mahindra India and other it companies latest placement exam test papers here free online. You can download or save them here. See actual candidate experiences for tech mahindra technical tech hr interviews.

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