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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Latest DE Shaw Interview Questions

Question1: Differentiate HTTP and HTTPS

Question2: Discuss ACID properties of a database system.

Question3: Given a table Employee with only one field: Names, report all names with multiple entries.

Question4:Given two sequences s1,s2 and another sequence s3, find if s3 is formed by interleaving s1 and s2.[Example: s1:abcd s2:bcaa s3:abbccdaa].

Question5: If a class B is inherited from a class A, B has a function foo which is also in A, how do you call foo function in A??

Question6: If a class B is inherited public from a class A, what all the variables that can be accesses and those that cannot be.

Question7: List out the additional features of C++ over C when the latter is already available as a good programming language?

Question8: Can classes,protected variables or other features in C++ be implemented using C?

Question9: Define Deadlock

Question20:Given a multi-threaded program How can you make it run on a system that supports only a single thread execution?

Question11:What are the Differences between a const char * and char const *?

Question12:What are the Differences between a reference variable and pointer variable in C++?

Question13What is a register variable and what are the limitations on it? What is an automatic variable?

Question14What are the Differences in memory allocation in array and pointer(stack and heap)?

Question15Find the missing element in a sorted array in most optimum running time (O(log n))

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