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Monday, May 26, 2008

Dot Net Interview Questions - Part 10 Interview question

  1. What are the different modes for the sessionstates in the web.config file?


Indicates that session state is not enabled.


Indicates that session state is stored locally.


Indicates that session state is stored on a remote server.


Indicates that session state is stored on the SQL Server.

  1. What is smart navigation?
    When a page is requested by an Internet Explorer 5 browser, or later, smart navigation enhances the user's experience of the page by performing the following:
    • eliminating the flash caused by navigation.
    • persisting the scroll position when moving from page to page.
    • persisting element focus between navigations.
    • retaining only the last page state in the browser's history.

Smart navigation is best used with ASP.NET pages that require frequent postbacks but with visual content that does not change dramatically on return. Consider this carefully when deciding whether to set this property to true.
Set the SmartNavigation attribute to true in the @ Page directive in the .aspx file. When the page is requested, the dynamically generated class sets this property.

  1. In what order do the events of an ASPX page execute. As a developer is it important to undertsand these events?
  2. How would you get ASP.NET running in Apache web servers - why would you even do this?
  3. What tags do you need to add within the asp:datagrid tags to bind columns manually
  4. What base class do all Web Forms inherit from? System.Web.UI.Page
  5. How can we create pie chart in
  6. Is it possible for me to change my aspx file extension to some other name?Yes.
    Open IIS->Default Website -> Properties
    Select HomeDirectory tab
    Click on configuration button
    Click on add. Enter aspnet_isapi details (C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.0.3705\aspnet_isapi.dll | GET,HEAD,POST,DEBUG)

    Open machine.config(C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.0.3705\CONFIG) & add new extension under tag
  7. What is AutoEventWireup attribute for ?


  1. What is a WebService and what is the underlying protocol used in it?Why Web Services?
    Web Services are applications delivered as a service on the Web. Web services allow for programmatic access of business logic over the Web. Web services typically rely on XML-based protocols, messages, and interface descriptions for communication and access. Web services are designed to be used by other programs or applications rather than directly by end user. Programs invoking a Web service are called clients. SOAP over HTTP is the most commonly used protocol for invoking Web services.
    There are three main uses of Web services.
    1. Application integration Web services within an intranet are commonly used to integrate business applications running on disparate platforms. For example, a .NET client running on Windows 2000 can easily invoke a Java Web service running on a mainframe or Unix machine to retrieve data from a legacy application.
    2. Business integration Web services allow trading partners to engage in e-business leveraging the existing Internet infrastructure. Organizations can send electronic purchase orders to suppliers and receive electronic invoices. Doing e-business with Web services means a low barrier to entry because Web services can be added to existing applications running on any platform without changing legacy code.
    3. Commercial Web services focus on selling content and business services to clients over the Internet similar to familiar Web pages. Unlike Web pages, commercial Web services target applications not humans as their direct users. Continental Airlines exposes flight schedules and status Web services for travel Web sites and agencies to use in their applications. Like Web pages, commercial Web services are valuable only if they expose a valuable service or content. It would be very difficult to get customers to pay you for using a Web service that creates business charts with the customers? data. Customers would rather buy a charting component (e.g. COM or .NET component) and install it on the same machine as their application. On the other hand, it makes sense to sell real-time weather information or stock quotes as a Web service. Technology can help you add value to your services and explore new markets, but ultimately customers pay for contents and/or business services, not for technology
  1. Are Web Services a replacement for other distributed computing platforms?
    No. Web Services is just a new way of looking at existing implementation platforms.
  2. In a Webservice, need to display 10 rows from a table. So DataReader or DataSet is best choice? Ans: WebService will support only DataSet.
  3. How to generate WebService proxy? What is SOAP, WSDL, UDDI and the concept behind Web Services? What are various components of WSDL? What is the use of WSDL.exe utility?
    SOAP is an XML-based messaging framework specifically designed for exchanging formatted data across the Internet, for example using request and reply messages or sending entire documents. SOAP is simple, easy to use, and completely neutral with respect to operating system, programming language, or distributed computing platform.
    After SOAP became available as a mechanism for exchanging XML messages among enterprises (or among disparate applications within the same enterprise), a better way was needed to describe the messages and how they are exchanged. The Web Services Description Language (WSDL) is a particular form of an XML Schema, developed by Microsoft and IBM for the purpose of defining the XML message, operation, and protocol mapping of a web service accessed using SOAP or other XML protocol. WSDL defines web services in terms of "endpoints" that operate on XML messages. The WSDL syntax allows both the messages and the operations on the messages to be defined abstractly, so they can be mapped to multiple physical implementations. The current WSDL spec describes how to map messages and operations to SOAP 1.1, HTTP GET/POST, and MIME. WSDL creates web service definitions by mapping a group of endpoints into a logical sequence of operations on XML messages. The same XML message can be mapped to multiple operations (or services) and bound to one or more communications protocols (using "ports").
    The Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) framework defines a data model (in XML) and SOAP APIs for registration and searches on business information, including the web services a business exposes to the Internet. UDDI is an independent consortium of vendors, founded by Microsoft, IBM, and Ariba, for the purpose of developing an Internet standard for web service description registration and discovery. Microsoft, IBM, and Ariba also are hosting the initial deployment of a UDDI service, which is conceptually patterned after DNS (the Internet service that translates URLs into TCP addresses). UDDI uses a private agreement profile of SOAP (i.e. UDDI doesn't use the SOAP serialization format because it's not well suited to passing complete XML documents (it's aimed at RPC style interactions). The main idea is that businesses use the SOAP APIs to register themselves with UDDI, and other businesses search UDDI when they want to discover a trading partner, for example someone from whom they wish to procure sheet metal, bolts, or transistors. The information in UDDI is categorized according to industry type and geographical location, allowing UDDI consumers to search through lists of potentially matching businesses to find the specific one they want to contact. Once a specific business is chosen, another call to UDDI is made to obtain the specific contact information for that business. The contact information includes a pointer to the target business's WSDL or other XML schema file describing the web service that the target business publishes.
  4. How to generate proxy class other than .net app and wsdl tool?
    To access an XML Web service from a client application, you first add a Web reference, which is a reference to an XML Web service. When you create a Web reference, Visual Studio creates an XML Web service proxy class automatically and adds it to your project. This proxy class exposes the methods of the XML Web service and handles the marshalling of appropriate arguments back and forth between the XML Web service and your application. Visual Studio uses the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) to create the proxy.
    To generate an XML Web service proxy class:
    • From a command prompt, use Wsdl.exe to create a proxy class, specifying (at a minimum) the URL to an XML Web service or a service description, or the path to a saved service description.
      Wsdl /language:language /protocol:protocol /namespace:myNameSpace /out:filename
      /username:username /password:password /domain:domain
  1. What is a proxy in web service? How do I use a proxy server when invoking a Web service?
  2. asynchronous web service means?
  3. What are the events fired when web service called?
  4. How will do transaction in Web Services?
  5. How does SOAP transport happen and what is the role of HTTP in it? How you can access a webservice using soap?
  6. What are the different formatters can be used in both? Why?.. binary/soap

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