What is the diffrence between an Abstract class and Interface ?
What is user defined exception ?
What do you know about the garbate collector ?
What is the difference between C++ & Java ?
Explain RMI Architecture?
How do you communicate in between Applets & Servlets ?
What is the use of Servlets ?
What is JDBC? How do you connect to the Database ?
In an HTML form I have a Button which makes us to open another page in 15 seconds. How will do you that ?
What is the difference between Process and Threads ?
What is the difference between RMI & Corba ?
What are the services in RMI ?
How will you initialize an Applet ?
What is the order of method invocation in an Applet ?
When is update method called ?
How will you pass values from HTML page to the Servlet ?
Have you ever used HashTable and Dictionary ?
How will you communicate between two Applets ?
What are statements in JAVA ?
What is JAR file ?
What is JNI ?
What is the base class for all swing components ?
What is JFC ?
What is Difference between AWT and Swing ?
Considering notepad/IE or any other thing as process, What will happen if you start notepad or IE 3 times? Where 3 processesare started or 3 threads are started ?
How does thread synchronization occurs inside a monitor ?
How will you call an Applet using a Java Script function ?
Is there any tag in HTML to upload and download files ?
Why do you Canvas ?
How can you push data from an Applet to Servlet ?
What are 4 drivers available in JDBC ?
How you can know about drivers and database information ?
If you are truncated using JDBC, How can you know ..that how much data is truncated ? And What situation , each of the 4 drivers used ?
How will you perform transaction using JDBC ?
In RMI, server object first loaded into the memory and then the stub reference is sent to the client ? or whether a stub reference is directly sent to the client ?
Suppose server object is not loaded into the memory, and the client request for it , what will happen?
What is serialization ?
Can you load the server object dynamically? If so, what are the major 3 steps involved in it ?
What is difference RMI registry and OSAgent ?
To a server method, the client wants to send a value 20, with this value exceeds to 20,. a message should be sent to the client ?
What will you do for achieving for this ?
What are the benefits of Swing over AWT ?
Where the CardLayout is used ?
What is the Layout for ToolBar ?
What is the difference between Grid and GridbagLayout ?
How will you add panel to a Frame ?
What is the corresponding Layout for Card in Swing ?
What is light weight component ?
Can you run the product development on all operating systems ?
What is the webserver used for running the Servlets ?
What is Servlet API used for conneting database ?
What is bean ? Where it can be used ?
What is difference in between Java Class and Bean ?
Can we send object using Sockets ?
What is the RMI and Socket ?
How to communicate 2 threads each other ?
What are the files generated after using IDL to Java Compilet ?
What is the protocol used by server and client ?
Can I modify an object in CORBA ?
What is the functionality stubs and skeletons ?
What is the mapping mechanism used by Java to identify IDL language ?
Diff between Application and Applet ?
What is serializable Interface ?
What is the difference between CGI and Servlet ?
What is the use of Interface ?
Why Java is not fully objective oriented ?
Why does not support multiple Inheritance ?
What it the root class for all Java classes ?
What is polymorphism ?
Suppose If we have variable ' I ' in run method, If I can create one or more thread each thread will occupy a separate copy or same variable will be shared ?
In servlets, we are having a web page that is invoking servlets username and password ? which is cheks in the database ?
Suppose the second page also If we want to verify the same information whethe it will connect to the database or it will be used previous information?
What are virtual functions ?
Write down how will you create a binary Tree ?
What are the traverses in Binary Tree ?
Write a program for recursive Traverse ?
What are session variable in Servlets ?
What is client server computing ?
What is Constructor and Virtual function? Can we call Virtual funciton in a constructor ?
Why we use OOPS concepts? What is its advantage ?
What is the middleware ? What is the functionality of Webserver ?
Why Java is not 100 % pure OOPS ? ( EcomServer )
When we will use an Interface and Abstract class ?
What is an RMI?
How will you pass parameters in RMI ? Why u serialize?
What is the exact difference in between Unicast and Multicast object ? Where we will use ?
What is the main functionality of the Remote Reference Layer ?
How do you download stubs from a Remote place ?
What is the difference in between C++ and Java ? can u explain in detail ?
I want to store more than 10 objects in a remote server ? Which methodology will follow ?
What is the main functionality of the Prepared Statement ?
What is meant by static query and dynamic query ?
What are the Normalization Rules ? Define the Normalization ?
What is meant by Servelet? What are the parameters of the service method ?
What is meant by Session ? Tell me something about HTTPSession Class ?
How do you invoke a Servelt? What is the difference in between doPost and doGet methods ?
What is the difference in between the HTTPServlet and Generic Servlet ? Expalin their methods ? Tell me their parameter names also ?
Have you used threads in Servelet ?
Write a program on RMI and JDBC using StoredProcedure ?
How do you sing an Applet ?
In a Container there are 5 components. I want to display the all the components names, how will you do that one ?
Why there are some null interface in java ? What does it mean ? Give me some null interfaces in JAVA ?
Tell me the latest versions in JAVA related areas ?
What is meant by class loader ? How many types are there? When will we use them ?
How do you load an Image in a Servlet ?
What is meant by flickering ?
What is meant by distributed Application ? Why we are using that in our applications ?
What is the functionality of the stub ?
Have you used any version control ?
What is the latest version of JDBC ? What are the new features are added in that ?
Explain 2 tier and 3 -tier Architecture ?
What is the role of the webserver ?
How have you done validation of the fileds in your project ?
What is the main difficulties that you are faced in your project ?
What is meant by cookies ? Explain ? Problem faced in your earlier project
How OOPS concept is achieved in Java
Features for using Java
How does Java 2.0 differ from Java 1.0
Public static void main – Explain
What are command line arguments
Explain about the three-tier model
Difference between String & StringBuffer
Wrapper class. Is String a Wrapper Class
What are the restriction for static method
Purpose of the file class
Default modifier in Interface
Difference between Interface & Abstract class
Can abstract be declared as Final
Can we declare variables inside a method as Final Variables
What is the package concept and use of package
How can a dead thread be started
Difference between Applet & Application
Life cycle of the Applet
Can Applet have constructors
Differeence between canvas class & graphics class
Explain about Superclass & subclass
Difference between TCP & UDP
What is AppletStub
Explain Stream Tokenizer
What is the difference between two types of threads
Checked & Unchecked exception
Use of throws exception
What is finally in exception handling
Vector class
What will happen to the Exception object after exception handling
Two types of multi-tasking
Two ways to create the thread
I/O Filter
How can you retrieve warnings in JDBC
Can applet in different page communicate with each other
Four driver Manager
Features of JDBC 20
Explain about stored procedures
Servlet Life cycle
Why do you go for servlet rather than CGI
How to generate skeleton & Stub classes
Explain lazy activation
Firewalls in RMI
Search Your Question
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Java Interview Questions
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- Why is it not a good idea to insert code into Init...
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- Is it possible to prevent a browser from caching a...
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- What are some features of the CLR?
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- What is the version of C# In .net Framework 3.0?
- What Operating system are supported by Framework 3.0?
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- What are the components found in Windows workflow ...
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- What contemporary computing problems WPF solves?
- What is XAML ?
- What is XBAP?
- What is a service contract ( In WCF) ?
- In terms of WCF, What is a message?
- In terms of WCF, What is a service?
- In terms of WCF, What is an endpoint?
- In terms of WCF, What is an application endpoint?
- In terms of WCF, What is an infrastructure endpoint?
- In terms of WCF, What is an address?
- In terms of WCF, What is binding?
- What is a message contract?
- IN WCF, what do you understand by metadata of a se...
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- What is XPATH?
- What is the difference between abstract class and ...
- What is a Satellite Assembly ?
- What is late binding ?
- What do you understand by the term "immutable"?
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- How do you make sure that your code runs when the ...
- Why does code get a security exception when its ru...
- Can you use the Win32 API from a .NET Framework pr...
- How do in-process and cross-process communication ...
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